Adding competition equipment (motorcycle, car, etc.) to your profile and validating your VIN or Serial # (if required)

Some paying companies require that your profile has a validated race bike or car (competition equipment) listed before they will pay. This validation may be via VIN or Serial number. Others may require you to add your competition equipment but may not require validation of VIN.

Register yourself to XTRM (Just one time)

Be sure you have registered for a free valid XTRM account HERE (If you have already received an email to activate your new account - please do not create another account, that will confuse the system and delay payments)

Add your equipment (s) to your profile

Make sure you add your vehicle details, including VINs, within your XTRM profile. To do this, log in to your XTRM account and go to "Profile" and then the "Equipment" section, and click the button "Add Sports Equipment." 

Next, click the "Add" button.  The manufacturer will validate your equipment within a few days. 

Note: XTRM does not validate VINS, so if your VIN is not validated quickly, please call the manufacturer directly. 

Make sure your profile is 100% complete

Make sure to complete your profile to 100% to access your tax documents at the end of each year.

Click below to view the entire program: 

Honda Contingency  

Suzuki Contingency

VIN or Serial won't validate?


XTRM cannot directly resolve warranty issues and is not authorized by manufacturers to pay riders when the information provided cannot be validated against the manufacturers' records.


Please read below carefully.


Suppose you are having problems validating your VIN/Serial # in XTRM. There are a couple of reasons why this might be happening.


1. The vehicle is new. If purchased within the previous 2-3 weeks, your VIN may not validate until this warranty information is updated in the system, which can take up to 3 weeks. Please try again after that period. Any races in this period will be paid once the VIN is validated.


2. The race equipment is owned by a sponsor or company and has not been warranty registered. Please contact the manufacturer to request a waiver for this race equipment. They will then notify us. The warranty registration has nothing to do with the DMV registration.

VIN Validation By Manufacturer:

ManufacturerVIN Validation Required

1. XTRM is FREE to use. 

2. You cannot post or email us your results. We receive them directly from the promoters and only pay to your XTRM account once the manufacturer approves. 

3. Adding your equipment and validating your VIN allows the manufacturers to reward newer bikes. 

4. XTRM does not decide which promoters or classes get paid or how much. We are simply the payment processor.